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Before taking the Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC) course please read and understand the information below.

About the LTC Course

Course description: This course is designed for a minimum of four (4) hours, maximum six (6) hours of classroom instruction, written examination and the proficiency demonstration. Material is provided in modules with specific amounts of time allotted for each module.

Course objective: The overall objective of this course is to educate students on the responsibilities and laws applicable to handgun license holders. Specific objectives are outlined at the beginning of each training module.

Course presentation:

The following guidelines apply:

  • All topics in each module must be covered

  • Classes must be taught in the State of Texas.

  • Only License To Carry A Handgun Instructor(s) certified by the Texas Department of Public Safety may teach this class. (No guest instructors are permitted.)

  • The instructor must present the material in person. Recorded presentations are not allowed. The course is designed in modules and must include:

Module 1 ‐ Laws that relate to weapons and to the use of deadly force

Module 2  ‐ Handgun use and safety, including use of restraint holsters and methods to ensure the secure carrying of openly carried handguns

Module 3 – Non‐violent dispute resolution

Module 4 ‐ Proper storage practices for handguns with an emphasis on storage practices that eliminate the possibility of accidental injury to a child.



Written Examination and Proficiency Demonstration

• The student must be given the current DPS LTC student test and the student must complete the test independently.

• The proficiency demonstration must be conducted by a certified Texas LTC Instructor using the current course of fire, as determined by the Department of Public Safety. A passing score of 70% is required for the written and the proficiency demonstration for successful completion

Mandatory Range Equipment to Qualify

Come range ready with:

  • Semi-automatic handgun or a revolver** (unloaded and in a box) of at least .32 caliber in good working order. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BRING WEAPON or AMMUNITION into the CLASSROOM.  LEAVE IT IN YOUR VEHICLE.

  • Baseball Cap

  • Safety Glasses

  • Ear Protection

  • Footwear that covers entire foot (no open toed shoes)

  • 100 rounds of ammunition

Range Qualification Requirements

The Texas LTC/Open Carry range qualification consists of firing a total of 50 rounds using a specific course of fire. The pistol must be a minimum of .32 caliber. You may qualify with a revolver or semi-auto pistol. 

To pass the Texas CHL/Open Carry range qualification a student must score 70%  (175 points out of a possible 250 points).

You will be responsible for your range fee of $12.00

Optical enhancers such as lasers, red dot sites, or scopes, are not permitted by Texas DPS administrative code when qualifying.

Following step by step directions from the range officer, students' progress through each stage starting from the 3 yard line, moving back to the 7 yard line and finally to the 15 yard line.

All shots are fired on a B-27 target.  (See Right Image)

Targets will be green, red, black or blue.

Hits inside the 8, 9, 10, and X rings are 5 points.

Hits inside the 7 ring are 4 points.

Hits on the silhouette outside the 7 ring are 3 points.

Hits outside of the shaded silhouette are 0.

Hits that miss the target entirely are 0.

Rounds not fired due to expired time / malfunction are 0

Texas CHL Range Qualification Requirement

TX LTC Course of Fire:

Stage 1: Twenty (20) shots will be fired from 3 yards.

  • Five (5) shots fired in a "One shot exercise" 2 seconds allowed for each shot

  • Ten (10) shots fired in a "Two shot exercise" 3 seconds allowed for each 2 shot sequence

  • Five (5) shots fired in 10 seconds


Stage 2: Twenty (20) shots will be fired from 7 yards - fired 5 stages.

  • Five (5) shots will be fired in 10 seconds

  • Five (5) shots will be fired in 2 stages:

  • Two (2) shots will be fired in 4 seconds

  • Three (3) shots will be fired in 6 seconds

  • Five (5) will be fired in a "One shot exercise" 3 seconds allowed for each shot

  • Five (5) shots fired in 15 seconds

Stage 3: Ten (10) shots fired from 15 yards - fired in two 5-shot strings

  • Five (5) shots fired in two stages:

  • Two (2) shots fired in 6 seconds

  • Three (3) shots fired in 9 seconds

  • Five (5) shots fired in 15 seconds

A B-27 Target

For more information on laws and regulations of handguns in your state/region please visit

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